Elizabeth's research focuses on textual criticism, the New Testament Gospels, Mary Magdalene, and the Nag Hammadi corpus. She regularly presents her work at universities, conferences, and churches.

Upcoming Presentations:
The Suppression of Mary Magdalene in the Book of John
Saturday, November 23rd, 2024 at 5pm
The Biblical Archaeology Society's "Fall Bible and Archaeology Fest"
Manchester Grand Hyatt Hotel
1 Market Place
San Diego, CA 92101
Upcoming Conferences:
Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting
November 24th, 2024
"Saved by the Door: An Overlooked Variant in the Johannine Tomb Scene"
Johannine Literature panel (9am)
November 25th, 2024
"Did Irenaeus and Celsus Know the Gospel of Mary? Revisiting Second-Century Authors in Light of P.Oxy 5577"
Nag Hammadi and Gnosticism panel (4pm)
San Diego Convention Center
San Diego, CA
Peer-Reviewed Publications
"Was Martha of Bethany Added to the Fourth Gospel in the Second Century?"
Harvard Theological Review 110:3 (2017)
"The Meaning of 'Magdalene': A Review of Literary Evidence"
(co-write with Joan Taylor)
Journal of Biblical Literature 140:4 (2021)
"'Rabbouni,' which means Lord: Narrative Variants in John 20:16"
(co-write with Brandon Simonson)
TC: A Journal of Biblical Textual Criticism 26 (2021)
"Was Salome at the Markan Tomb? Another Ending to Mark's Gospel"
Comparative Oriental Manuscript Studies Bulletin 8:2 (2022)